Third Eye Capital
Tel: (416) 601-2270
Fax: (416) 981-3393
Email Third Eye Capital

Brookfield Place
Bay Wellington Tower
181 Bay Street, Suite 2830
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2T3

CEO Insights

CEO Insights

CEO Insights

We cannot blame borrowers for wanting the lowest cost of financing – this is the easiest way for management and owners to increase the value of its company’s future cash flows, all other things being equal. Sometimes, however, borrowers are faced with imminent liquidity issues...

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Some investors never weary of quietly ridiculing the timid caution of managers who refuse to make inglorious bets when markets are underpricing risk. Sitting in cash is anathema to institutional investors so many credit managers are forced to put money to work in assets with...

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Canadian equities were stand-outs among developed stock markets in the second quarter with the S&P/TSX Composite Index gaining 6.4% in total returns (and 12.9% for the first half of the year). Earnings among Canadian publicly-listed companies have shown strong momentum this year, with growth up...

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In the theatres of Ancient Greece, when dramatists brought a god on stage, they set him down with a hand-operated crane, expecting to produce the desired effect of awe within the audience. Aristotle criticized the device in Poetics, his c. 335 BC work on dramatic...

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Regulatory pressures are reshaping the banking industry, with higher compliance and capital costs pushing banks to reevaluate the markets they serve. Amid the prospect of stricter regulatory oversight, banks are not only increasing capital levels (consistent with Basel III capital requirements) but reducing and sometimes...

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The U.S. Federal Reserve’s surprise decision at the last FOMC meeting to delay reduction of its program of quantitative easing (QE) has, at least for now, left room for interest rates to fall or remain at historically low levels. The Fed has repeatedly stressed that...

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Domestic (Canadian) Advisor registration form:

If you are an advisor that distributes or is interested in distributing a fund advised by Third Eye Capital Management Inc. you can register to request a call or meeting. You will be asked to provide information to confirm your qualifications to invest in or distribute the funds. This brief registration process allows us to conform to applicable securities laws and to obtain some basic information about you. Once we have qualified and approved your registration, we will get in contact with you to schedule a meeting.

    Personal Information

    I consent to receive information from Third Eye Capital.

    Domestic (Canadian) Investor registration form:

    If you are an existing or prospective accredited investor that distributes or is interested in distributing a fund advised by Third Eye Capital Management Inc. you can register to request a call or meeting. You will be asked to provide information to confirm your qualifications to invest in or distribute the funds. This brief registration process allows us to conform to applicable securities laws and to obtain some basic information about you. Once we have qualified and approved your registration, we will get in contact with you to schedule a meeting.

      Personal Information


      I consent to receive information from Third Eye Capital.

      International Investor registration form:

      For US persons
      If you are an existing or prospective accredited investor or an advisor that distributes or is interested in distributing a fund advised by Third Eye Capital Management Inc. you can register to request a call or meeting. You will be asked to provide information to confirm your qualifications to invest in or distribute the funds. This brief registration process allows us to conform to applicable securities laws and to obtain some basic information about you. Once we have qualified and approved your registration, we will get in contact with you to schedule a meeting.

        Personal Information

        I consent to receive information from Third Eye Capital.

        Address Information

        Investor Information

        An IndividualA Company

        U.S.Other (specify)

        Fund of FundsFamily OfficeBankOther (specify)


        Instructions for the following sections: Individuals please answer Part A of Sections I and II; Institutions please have an authorized person answer Part B of Sections I and II.

        Section I - Accredited Investor Threshold Questions:

        Part A - For Individuals:

        1. I certify that I have an individual net worth, or my spouse and I have a combined net worth in excess of $1,000,000.

        2. I certify that I am highly a sophisticated investor who routinely invests sums of $250,000 or more.

        Part B - For Institutions:

        1. The submitter certifies that it is a bank, insurance company, registered investment company, business development company, or small business investment company.

        2. The submitter certifies that it is a charitable organization, corporation or partnership with assets exceeding $5 million, and that was not formed to invest the Fund.

        3. The submitter certifies that it is a corporation, partnership or trust with assets of at least $5 million, that was not formed to invest in the Fund, and whose purchases are directed by a sophisticated person.

        4. The undersigned certifies that all of its equity owners are “accredited investors” as defined in United States Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 501(a) and who can satisfy the higher criteria for the same set forth in Section I, Part A above.

        Section II - Qualified Purchaser Questions:

        Part A - For Individuals:

        1. I certify that I own not less than $1,000,000 in securities investments.

        Part B - For Institutions:

        1. The undersigned certifies that it is a bank, insurance company, registered investment company, business development company, or small business investment company

        2. The undersigned certifies that it is a "family owned company" (as defined below) that owns not less than $5,000,000 in securities investments. A "family owned company" is defined as a company that is owned directly or indirectly by or for two or more natural persons who are related as siblings or spouse (including former spouses), or direct lineal descendents by birth or adoption, spouses of such persons, the estate of such persons, or foundations, charitable organizations, or trust established by or for the benefit of such persons

        3. The undersigned certifies that it is a trust that was not formed to invest in the Fund, the trustee or decision-making authority of which, and every person contributing assets to the same, is a “Qualified Purchaser” under one of the other definitions of this Section

        4. The undersigned certifies that it is a person acting for its own account or for the accounts of other Qualified Purchasers who in the aggregate own and invest on a discretionary basis at least $5,000,000 in securities investments.

        Questionnaire Submission:

        Thank you for your patience in completing this questionnaire.

        If you have any questions, please contact Chris Vokes, VP of Investor Relations at Third Eye Capital:

        T 416-601-2270 ext 242